Simplifying Fractions Calculator
Convert improper fractions to mixed numbers in the simplest form. You can simply convert an improper fraction to a mixed number by dividing the numerator by the denominator, Taking out the whole number and multiplying it and the denominator then subtracting the result from the numerator. Use the answer as the new numerator over the denominator.
For example 26 / 5 = 5 whole number 1 / 5. You can get the remainder by dividing 26 by 5 which is 5 then multiply 5 by 5 which is 25 then subtract 26 from 26 which will give us our remainder of 1. (26 / 5) = 5.2 then take out the decimal || 5 x 5 = 25 || 26 - 25 = 1.