Prime Factor Calculator

Prime Factor is also known as Prime Factorization is used to find prime numbers that can be multiplied together to make the original number. For example, the prime factor of 12 is(2,2,3), while the prime factor of 35 is 5,7. To get the prime number of an integer you need to start working from the smallest prime number. For example, if you want to get the prime number if 35 you will start by dividing by 2 so 35/2 will give you a remainder so we can 't use it also 3 and 4 cannot work because it will give us a remainder but we use 5 which will give us 7 so we start checking if any number can divide from between 2-7 and 7 will divide to give us 1, therefore, the prime factor of 35 is(5,7).


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